1. Introduction 1.1 About STK 1.2 Requirements 1.3 Compilation 1.4 Compatibility 1.5 Author 2. Components 2.1 StkComponent 2.2 StkWindow 2.3 StkLabel 2.4 StkButton 2.5 StkRadiobutton 2.6 StkCheckbox 2.7 StkImage 2.8 StkSlider 2.9 StkShortcut 2.10 StkMenuitem 2.11 StkEdit 2.12 StkPanel 3. Other parts 3.1 Constants 3.2 Functions 3.3 Display 3.4 Keyboard 3.5 Mouse 3.6 Fonts 3.7 Colors 3.8 Initialization 3.9 Bitmaps 3.10 Graphics 3.11 Callbacks 3.12 Components 4. Examples 4.1 Hello world 5. Appendix 5.1 Table of component's constructors
This is main and official documentation of the STK project. All materials related to the STK included this documentation is free and open. You can redistrubute it. STK is distributed under GNU GPL licence (see file doc/COPYING for more details).
Terms and abbreviations:
STK - Simple ToolKit, version v2.0 (when not mentioned version) toolkit - set of components such as label, button and rest of the application framework X - X Window System
STK is a shortcut for Simple ToolKit. It is a very simple, light and fast toolkit written in C/C++ language for X Window System. STK is based on the the Xlib, the basic X library. STK contain few basic components such as label, button, checkbox and so on.
Main aims of STK are:
To be a C/C++ toolkit for X Window System under Linux To be small and easy to understand To be simple for using in programs for programmers To be ergonomic for users To be fast and light and not fritt with system resources To be well documented Not to be forwad nor backward compatible at any costs
X Window System Xlib library (X.h, Xlib.h, Xutil.h, keysymdef.h) xpm library or Imlib library GNU C Compiler (with c++ support)
Currently, STK is distributed in a single tarball which contain directory "stksrc" which contain STK itself. There is shell script named "_make_libstk". Run it anytime you want to create static STK library "libstk.a". Then, when you compilig your project, whereever it is placed, you will need to tell compiler where to search for the stk library (assume that there is yourapp directory with yourapplication.cc and stksrc directory).
If you want to use Imlib (PNG, JPEG, GIF, XPM) insted of libxpm (XPM), you must define the STK_IMLIB_USED directive in the stk_constants.h this way:
STK application compilation example:
gcc -o yourapplication yourapplication.cc -L./stksrc/ -lstk -lXpm -lXext -lImlib
-L./stksrc/ - path to STK (whole stksrc directory) -lstk - tell compiler to include STK library /stksrc/libstk.a
Note: Running "./stksrc/_make_libstk" before compilation of your application is highly recomended.
STK was tested successfully on this platforms:
Fedora Core 4, kernel 2.6.11, gcc 4.0.0, bash 3.0.0, X Window System v6.8.2 (X11R6) RedHat 7.2, kernel 2.4.7, gcc 2.96, X Window System v??? (X11R6) SuSE linux, kernel 2.4.x, gcc 3.x, (only compiled) Gentoo linux (compiled but no display images!)
Original author of STK and this documentation is me, Dusan Halicky (dvh.tosomja@post.sk). Feel free to contact me via email if you have any question about STK or if you have any suggestion or ide how to improve STK, or if you want to participate on STK development. Contact me also if you find a bug in the STK. Finaly, if you have lots of money and you want to sponsor future development of STK send any small financial contribution. Thanks.
Dusan Halicky jr.
Wuppertalska 41
04023 Kosice
Every single visual or invisible component in STK is inherited from basic stk component called StkComponent. It contain most basic attributes and methods which use all components. Every real component has theese attributes and methods inderited from StkComponent and has also other methods and attributes related only to that real component.
StkComponent is basic component, it is ancestor of all components.
StkComponent (Window parwin, int x, int y, int w, int h, int borderwidth, int bordercolor, int bgcolor, unsigned int eventmask);
parwin - parent component's window x, y - position of the window in pixels from top-left corner of the parent component's window (parwin) w, h - size of the component, must be nonzero borderwidth - width of the component border in pixels, additive to (w,h), may be 0 bordercolor - index of color for the border in local palette bgcolor - index of the window's color in local palette eventmask - event mask for the window, may be logically or-ed by one or more of the following: KeyPressMask, KeyReleaseMask - if you want to catch key press/release event ButtonPressMask, ButtonReleaseMask - mouse button press/release event PointerMotionMask - movement of the mouse cursor above component ExposureMask - when covered component (by other window) is exposed and need redraw EnterWindowMask, LeaveWindowMask - when mouse pointer move over component first time or if pointer leave window StructureNotifyMask, SubstructureNotifyMask, PropertyChangeMask, FocuseChangeMask - recomended, internally required for some configuration events
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
Window | window | GetWindow() | - | ID of the window, an rectangle described component, used for drawing and handling all events |
GC | gc | GetGC() | - | ID of window's graphics context, used for drawings on component's window |
StkComponent* | previous | GetPrevious() | SetPrevious(StkComponent *p) | previous component in the bidirectional linked list of components |
StkComponent* | next | GetNext() | SetNext(StkComponent *p) | next component in the bidirectional linked list of components |
int | left, top | GetPosition(int *x,*y) GetLeft(),GetTop() | SetPosition(int x,y) | position from left-top corner of parent component (window) |
int | width, height | GetSize(int *w,*h) GetWidth(),GetHeight() | SetSize(int w,h) | size of component |
int | border_width | - | - | border thicknes in pixels, 0 for no border |
int | border_color | - | - | color indexes of component's border |
int | background_color | GetColor() | SetColor(int) | color indexes of component's window |
int | event_mask, event_mask_old | - | - | event mask for window, event_mask_old is for remember original mask when component is disabled but not removed from components list |
bool | focus | GetFocus() | SetFocus(bool f) | Get or set focus to the component, component which has focus lost it and focus will be passed to this component, both component will be redrawn, only component which has focus can receiving keyboard events |
bool | focusable | GetFocusable() | SetFocusable(bool fa) | true if component can get focus (e.g. button), false otherwise (e.g. label) |
KeySym | shortcut | GetShortcut() | SetShortcut(KeySym s) | shortcut key for the component, keysyms are defined in keysymdef.h |
unsigned int | modifiers | GetModifiers() | SetModifiers(uint m) | modifier keys such as CTRL, ALT, ... see constants |
bool | visible | GetVisible() | Show(),Hide() | true if component is visible on the screen, components are usually automatically displayed after creation |
bool | resizeable | GetResizeable() | SetResizeable(bool r) | true if component can be resized, most important for windows |
int | penfgcolor | - | SetPenForeground(int i) | color for the line drawing on the component's window |
bool | enabled | GetEnabled() | SetEnabled(bool b) | true if component is enabled (e.g. button can be pressed) |
StkBasicCallback* | callback | - | CreateCallback(StkBasicCallback* bcb) | component's callback function, pointer to function which will be called after component is activated (e.g. button is pressed) |
int | tag | - | SetTag(int i) | User-purpose ineger variable called "tag" |
Event | Attributes | Description |
OnExpose | - | when component need to be redrawn |
OnChangeFocus | bool f | when component get (f=true) or lost (f=false) focus, automatical redraw is NOT provided |
OnMouseDown | int x, int y, int button, int state | when user click with mouse onto component at position (x,y) using mouse button button which has state state |
OnMouseUp | when user release mouse button above component | |
OnMouseMove | when user move with mouse cursor above component | |
OnMouseOver | whenever user first time move the cursor above component | |
OnMouseOut | whenever user left the component with mouse cursor | |
OnKeyPress | KeySym keysym, unsigned int mods, char *name, int namesize, bool *change_focus | when user press keyboard key if component has a focus |
OnKeyRelease | KeySym keysym, unsigned int mods, char *name, int namesize, bool *change_focus | when user release key if component has focus |
OnShortcut | KeySym keysym, unsigned int mods, char *name, int namesize | when user press shortcut key specified to this component, no matter if component has or has not focus |
OnClose | - | when component is closed (no longer active), it is most important for windows |
OnShow | - | when component is shown first time |
OnHide | - | when component is hidden |
OnResize | int w, int h | when component is resized, (w,h) is new size, most important for windows |
not all real components use all these events! change_focus in OnKeyPress/OnKeyRelease indicate if the currently pressed/release key will change focus. Variable change_focus CAN BE modified inside OnKeyPress/OnKeyRelease event. Some components (e.g. memo) may want to block focus change on som keys (e.g. TAB in memo will be used like normal TAB but not for focus changing)
Method | Attributes | Description |
Create | Window parwin, int x, int y, int w, int h, int borderwidth, int bordercolor, int bgcolor, unsigned int eventmask | auxiliary method, contain most commom part of constructor for components which is often called (create window, set up event mask), attributes is the same as StkComponent's constructor |
Redraw | - | this draw component on the screen (lines, strings, ...), it usually call one or more methods from shapes. |
DrawLine | int x1,y2,x2,y2 | draw line on the component's window with selected pen color |
bool IsFocusable | - | return true if component has focusable=true and component is enabled (disabled component can't be focused) |
CallBack | Object*,&Type::Method | Create callback for Object->Method, e.g. button1->CallBack(dialog1,&TMyDialog::Close); |
StkWindow is descendant of StkComponent but has special position in a set of components because it may contain other components. Every other real component has StkWindow as parent in their own constructor!
StkWindow (Window parwin, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *cap);
parwin - parent component's window x, y, w, h - position and size of the window in pixels from top-left corner of parent window (parwin) *cap - caption, string which will be displayed at the top of window and in the taskbar icon
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
char* | caption | - | SetCaption(const char *cap) | set the window's caption, memory will be reallocated automaticaly |
bool | closed | GetClosed() | Close() | true if component was closed by Close() or by user (hit [X] button on the window's top rail) |
StkComponents* | components | - | - | interface to bidirectional linked list of components in this window, see components |
OnExpose, OnChangeFocus, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, OnMouseOver, OnMouseOut, OnKeyPress, OnKeyRelease, OnShortcut, OnClose, OnShow, OnHide, (OnResize) ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
Minimize | - | minimize the window to the taskbar (depend on window manager implementation) |
StkLabel is most basic visual component. It provide only simple plain text in one line, but it will be automatically redrawn when required so programer must not take care of redrawing. It also may have associated shortcut key. Because label is no focusable component, it will forward focus to another component specified in focus_control attribute. Label can be also clicked by mouse.
StkLabel (StkWindow *parwin, int x, y, w, h, char *cap, StkComponent *focuscontrol=NULL);
parwin - parent component's window (StkWindow) x, y, w, h - position and size of component *cap - caption of component, string, will be displayed as simple text, may be encoded by & to set up shortcut key (e.g. "H&ello" will set shortcut to "a" with ALT modifier - Alt+a, "&Hello" will set shortkut to Alt+h but NOT Alt+H) focuscontrol - another (but focusable) component which will receive focus when user call label's shortcut or click onto label, this paremeter may be omitted
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
char* | caption | - | SetCaption(char *cap, bool redraw=true) | - set the label's caption and automatically redraw it when it is changed |
OnExpose, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, OnMouseOver, OnMouseOut, OnShortcut, OnClose ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
Redraw | - | redraw the label |
StkButton is a basic clickable component. It seems like rectangular area with the label inside. User can click on it with a mouse cursor or take a focus to it with TAB or Ctrl+TAB key. If button has a focus, it may be pressed by Enter or Spacebar key. If button is disabled, it can NOT be pressed nor focused. When button is pressed, a callback is called. Button can also has "&" encoded label.
StkButton (StkWindow *parwin, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *cap);
parwin - parent component's window (StkWindow) x, y, w, h - position and size of component *cap - caption of component, string, will be displayed as simple text, may be encoded by & to set up shortcut key (e.g. "H&ello" will set shortcut to "a" with ALT modifier - Alt+a, "&Hello" will set shortkut to Alt+h but NOT Alt+H)
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
char* | caption | - | SetCaption(char *cap) | Sets the button's caption |
bool | pressed | - | - | true if button is pressed (down) |
int | underscore_start | - | - | position if the underscore ("&" encoded label) |
int | underscore_length | - | - | length of the underscore |
OnExpose, OnChangeFocus, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, OnMouseOver, OnMouseOut, OnKeyPress, OnKeyRelease, OnShortcut, OnClose, OnShow, OnHide ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
Redraw | - | draw the button on the screen |
StkRadiobutton is component which seems like label but has small rectangle area in front of it. There is small picture indicated where radiobutton is checked or not. Label can be encoded, radiobutton can be disabled. Radiobutton is focusable component, it's state can be changed with enter or spacebar when radiobutton has focus.
StkRadiobutton (StkWindow *parwin, int x, y, w, h, char *cap, int grp = 0, bool chckd = false);
parwin - parent component's window (StkWindow) x, y, w, h - position and size of component *cap - caption of component, string, will be displayed as simple text, may be encoded by & to set up shortcut key (e.g. "H&ello" will set shortcut to "a" with ALT modifier - Alt+a, "&Hello" will set shortkut to Alt+h but NOT Alt+H) grp - group index, few radiobuttons can be grouped into groups, only one radiobutton can be checked in the group chckd - true if radiobutton is checked
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
bool | checked | GetChecked() | SetChecked() | get the state of checked attribute or set checked attribute to true, radiobutton cannot be unchecked! |
int | group | GetGroup() | - | only one radiobutton in a set of radiobuttons with the same group can be checked |
OnChangeFocus, OnMouseDown, OnKeyPress, OnShortcut ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
Redraw | - | draw the component on the screen |
StkRadiobutton is descendant of StkLabel.
StkCheckbox is similar to StkRadiobutton but any checkbox can be checked at any time, because checkboxes are not divided into groups.
StkCheckbox (StkWindow *parwin, int x, y, w, h, char *cap, bool chckd=false);
parwin - parent component's window (StkWindow) x, y, w, h - position and size of component *cap - caption of component, string, will be displayed as simple text, may be encoded by & to set up shortcut key (e.g. "H&ello" will set shortcut to "a" with ALT modifier - Alt+a, "&Hello" will set shortkut to Alt+h but NOT Alt+H) chckd - true if checkbox is checked
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
bool | checked | GetChecked() | SetChecked(bool b) | true if checkbox is checked, false if not |
OnChangeFocus, OnMouseDown, OnKeyPress, OnShortcut ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
Redraw | - | draw component on the screen |
StkCheckbox is descendant of StkLabel.
StkImage is basic picture component. It can contain picture (bitmap), STK support two ways of image handlings. First way is only XPM support via libxpm. Second way is use of Imlib library by STK_IMLIB_USED directive in stk_constants.h. Imlib support PNG, JPEG, GIF, XPM and few others formats. The XPM images can be included in the source code or can be in external file, other files must be in external files.
StkImage (StkWindow *parwin, int x, y, char **data); StkImage (StkWindow *parwin, int x, y, char *fname);
parwin - parent component's window (StkWindow) x, y - position of component **data - pointer to XPM data structure included in the source code (by #include "images/image.xpm") *fname - string which contain filename of the image ("images/image.xpm")
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
StkBitmap* | bmp | - | - | bitmap which store the image |
OnExpose, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, OnMouseOver, OnMouseOut ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
Redraw | - | draw the image on the screen |
StkSlider is component for setting numerical values (such as audio volume) with a mouse cursor or with a keyboard arrow keys (it is focusable).
StkSlider (Window parwin, int x, y, len, orient, val, rang, incr);
parwin - parent component's window (StkWindow) x, y - position of component len - pixel length of the slider (i.e. height for vertical and width for horizontal slider) orient - slider orientation (STK_SLIDER_HORIZONTAL, STK_SLIDER_VERTICAL) val - initial value of the slider (from left or top) rang - range for the slider's value incr - increment for the value, important only for keyboard adjustments
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
int | value | GetValue | SetValue(int v) | set the value from left or from top |
int | value | GetValueR | SetValueR(int v) | set the value "Reversaly" so from right or bottom |
OnExpose, OnChangeFocus, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, OnMouseOver, OnMouseOut, OnKeyPress, OnKeyRelease, OnShortcut ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
Redraw | - | draw component on the screen |
StkShortcut is nonvisual component which call the callbach function when user hit the specific keyboard key with selected modifiers.
StkShortcut (StkWindow *parwin, KeySym key, int mods, StkComponent *focuscontrol = NULL);
parwin - parent component's window key - shortcut key, see keysymdef.h for propper key codes (e.g. XK_F1, XK_space, XK_a, XK_B, XK_Escape, XK_Delete, ...) mods - shortcut modifiers (e.g. STK_MODIFIER_ALT, see stk_constants)
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
- | - | - | - | - |
OnShortcut ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
- | - | - |
StkMenuitem is similar to button but it become blue when mouse is over it and it has no frame! Typical usage is in the popup and main menu. However, mainmenu and popupmenu component is not yet implemented in STK v2.0 alpha 3.
StkMenuitem (StkWindow *parwin, left, top, width, height, caption, enabled=true);
parwin - parent component's window left, top - position of the menu item width, height - size of the menu item caption - caption of the menu item, should be & encoded for shortcuts, if "-" it will be replaced with horizontal line enabled - if true (default), menu item can be clicked, else it will be gray and disabled
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
- | - | - | - | - |
OnClick ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
- | - | - |
StkEdit is basic component for text input in STK. However, in STK v2.0 alpha 3 it is not yet fully implemented. It is usable only when text do not exceed width of edit.
StkEdit (StkWindow *parwin, left, top, width, height, char* text);
parwin - parent component's window left, top - position width, height - size text - initial text in edit
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
- | - | - | - | - |
OnClick ... see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
char* GetText() | - | return the text stored in the edit |
StkPanel is basic component for placing other component. Now, it has only border feature. Other things will be implemented later!
StkPanel (StkWindow *parwin, left, top, width, height);
parwin - parent component's window left, top - position width, height - size
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
TPanelBorder | border | GetBorder() | SetBorder(value) | Border specify the appearance of panel's border: pbNone, pbSingle, pbLowered, pbRaised, pbPressed, pbRelief |
see StkComponent for details
Method | Attributes | Description |
- | - | - |
In this section will be described other part of the STK (non-components) which make core of the STK.
Files stk_constants.h and stk_constants.cc contain most basic constants of the STK, such as debugging constants (STK_something_DEBUG, used in #ifdef directive), mouse button constants, keyboard constants (modifiers), and some other STK constants.
Files stk_functions.h and stk_functions.cc contain some common and usefull functions.
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
- | stk_sleep | long ms | sleep for [ms] miliseconds from 0 up to 35 minutes |
KeySym | stk_decode_caption_shortcut | char* caption | decode caption and return KeySym encoded by this caption with & character, e.g. &Hello will return XK_h (mean "h") |
char* | stk_decode_caption | char* caption, char* c, char** cap_pref | decode &encoded caption, return encoded character (e.g. "h") in *c and allocate and set caption prefix (from caption start to first & character) into cap_pref string |
stk_sleep(1000); // sleep for 1s KeySym K = stk_decode_caption_shortcut("&Hello"); // set variable K to value XK_h char c, *cp; // local variables cap = stk_decode_caption("Butt&on", &c, &cp); // decode captionAfter last function call, variables will have these values: cap = "Button", c = "o", cp = "Butt"
Files stk_display.h and stk_display.cc contain function and variables related to visual display (screen), such as handle for display and it's appearance, initialization functions and more.
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
Display* | stk_display_open | char* display_name | open display specified by name, default is NULL or ":0.0" |
- | stk_display_init | - | initialize stk_display |
- | stk_display_done | - | close stk_display |
Type | Identifier | Description |
Display* | stkdisplay | handle to the display, all X functions calls need this |
int | stkdisplay_screen | handle for main screen of the display |
int | stkdisplay_width, stkdisplay_height | size of the display (screen) |
Window | stkdisplay_root | handle for the main (root) window ("desktop") |
stkdisplay = stk_display_open(0);
Files stk_keys.h and stk_keys.cc contain keyboard handling routines and variables.
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
- | stk_keys_update | XKeyEvent ke, bool pressed | update all keyboard variables, such as modifiers |
Type | Identifier | Description |
KeySym | stkkeys_keysym | currently pressed keycode, see keysymdef.h for details |
int | stkkeys_modifier | current modifiers (Shift, Alt, ...) |
int | stkkeys_state | current modifiers |
char* | stkkeys_name | key string name, e.g. "Space", "A", "b", ... |
int | stkkeys_namesize | length of the stkkeys_name |
bool | stkkeys_ctrl, stkkeys_ctrl_l, stkkeys_ctrl_r | CTRL modifiers (any, left, right) |
bool | stkkeys_alt, stkkeys_alt_l, stkkeys_alt_r | ALT modifiers (any, left, right) |
bool | stkkeys_shift, stkkeys_shift_l, stkkeys_shift_r | SHIFT modifiers (any, left, right) |
bool | stkkeys_meta, stkkeys_meta_l, stkkeys_meta_r | META modifiers (any, left, right) |
Files stk_mouse.h and stk_mouse.cc contain mouse related variables and functions.
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
- | stk_get_mouse_root_position | - | get the mouse position in root window now and set stk_mouse_root_* variables |
Type | Identifier | Description |
int | stkevent_root_x, stkevent_root_y | mouse cursor position in root window |
stk_get_mouse_root_position(); if (stkevent_root_x >= stkdisplay_width - 10) printf("Right screen edge!\n");
Files stk_font.h and stk_font.cc contain interface to the default STK font.
Name | Description |
STK_FONT_DEFAULT | font name for default font |
STK_FONT_BOLD | font name for default bold font |
STK_FONT_ITALIC | font name for default italic font |
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
- | stk_font_init | - | initialize default font |
- | stk_font_done | - | release default font |
- | stk_font_clip_rect | XFontStruct* fs, char* s, int *w, *h, bool decode=false | calculate clipping rectangle for string "s", if decode is true decode string first, return width and height in *w, *h |
XFontStruct* | stk_font_load | char* fontname | load font into stkfont variable, font is specified by fontname string |
Type | Identifier | Description |
XFontStruct* | stkfont | current (default) font |
int | stkfont_cor | baseline correction for last loaded font |
stkfont = stk_font_load(STK_FONT_DEFAULT);
Files stk_colors.h and stk_colors.cc contain default STK palette.
Name | Description |
STK_COLOR_BLACK | black color (black) |
STK_COLOR_WHITE | white color (white) |
STK_COLOR_DARK_GRAY | dark gray color (dark gray) |
STK_COLOR_GRAY | gray color (gray) |
STK_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY | light gray color (light gray) |
STK_COLOR_RED | red color (red) |
STK_COLOR_GREEN | green color (green) |
STK_COLOR_BLUE | blue color (blue) |
STK_COLOR_VERY_LIGHT_GRAY | very light gray color (very light gray) |
STK_COLOR_YELLOW | yellow color (yellow) |
STK_COLOR_MAGENTA | magenta color (magenta) |
STK_COLOR_CYAN | cyan color (cyan) |
STK_COLOR_DARK_RED | dark red color (dark red) |
STK_COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA | dark magenta color (dark magenta) |
STK_COLOR_DARK_BLUE | dark blue color (dark blue) |
STK_COLOR_DARK_CYAN | dark cyan color (dark cyan) |
STK_COLOR_DARK_GREEN | dark green color (dark green) |
STK_COLOR_DARK_YELLOW | dark yellow color (dark yellow) |
STK_COLOR_WINDOW | window color (window) |
STK_COLOR_ACTIVE | active color (active) |
STK_COLOR_LAST | last used color (with highest number) |
STK_COLORS_COUNT | number of colors (last color + 1) |
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
- | stk_colors_init | - | allocate and set up all colors defined in stkcolors[] array |
- | stk_colors_done | - | release colors |
Type | Identifier | Description |
XColor | stkcolors[STK_COLORS_COUNT] | array of colors |
XColor color = stkcolors[STK_COLOR_RED].pixel;
Files stk_init.h and stk_init.cc contains STK initialization functions and some variables.
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
- | stk_init | - | initialize STK, must be first STK call in your application |
- | stk_done | - | release STK, must be last STK call in your application |
Type | Identifier | Description |
Atom | WM_PROTOCOLS, WM_DELETE_WINDOW | window manager atoms used for correct close window |
Window | stkmessage_window | contain handle of window (i.e. component) which receive the event |
Atom | stkmessage_atom, stkmessage_state | additional window event attributes |
bool | stkmessage_quit | true if main window is getting close, use your_window->Closed() instead |
stk_init(); ... any STK functions stk_done();
Files stk_bitmap.h and stk_bitmap.cc contain basic image handling object. If is used libxpm, only XPM images are supported. If is used Imlib, PNG, GIF, JPEG and XPM images are supported. If you only want to draw one picture on the window, use StkImage instead.
StkComponent (Window parwin, char **data);
StkComponent (Window parwin, char *fname);
parwin - parent component's window **data - pointer to XPM data structure included in source code (#include "image.xpm") *fname - file name of the image on the disk
type | attribute | Get | Set | Description |
Pixmap, GC | pixmap, mask, GC | bool Load(char **data),bool Load(char *fname) | - | load image from source code or from external file, return true on success |
int | width | GetWindth() | - | get loaded bitmap width |
int | height | GetHeight() | - | get loaded bitmap height |
None, not a component!
Method | Attributes | Description |
Load | char **data | load image from source code (XPM must be include in source code, e.g. #include "xpm/image.xpm") |
Load | char *fname | load from external file e.g. "xpm/image.xpm" |
Draw | int x,y | draw bitmap on the parent window at the position [x,y] measured from left-top corner |
#include "xpm/image.xpm" // include XPM file into source code StkWindow *window1 = new StkWindow(...); // create window1 StkBitmap *bmp1 = new StkBitmap(window1->GetWindow(), image_xpm); // create the bitmap on the window1 from the source StkBitmap *bmp2 = new StkBitmap(window1->GetWindow(), "xpm/image.xpm"); // create the bitmap on the window1 from the file bmp1->Draw(10,10); // draw bmp1 on window1 bmp2->Draw(100,10); // draw bmp2 on window1
Files stk_shapes.h and stk_shapes.cc contain all graphics of the STK components. If you want to change appearance of the components, simple change this files. STK doesn't support themes! (more appearances in one moment)
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
- | stk_draw_slider_button | Display* di, Drawable dr, GC gc, int x,y,w,h, orient, bool active | draw StkSlider button |
- | stk_draw_frame | Display* di, Drawable dr, GC gc, int x,y,w,h, bool enabled | draw impressed white area (slider, edit, memo, ..) |
- | stk_draw_label | Display* di, Drawable dr, GC gc, XFontStruct *fs, int x,y,*w,*h,oldw,oldh, char* caption, bool enabled,active,correction=true | draw label |
- | stk_draw_radiobutton | Display* di, Drawable dr, GC gc, XFontStruct *fs, int x,y,w,h,oldw,oldh,button_width, char* caption, bool enabled,active,focused,checked | draw radiobutton (except bitmap) |
- | stk_draw_button | Display* di, Drawable dr, GC gc, XFontStruct *fs, int x,y,w,h, char *caption, bool enabled,focused,pressed,active | draw button |
- | stk_draw_rectangle | Display* di, Drawable dr, GC gc, int x,y,w,h, uint color | draw simple rectangle |
- | stk_draw_focus_rectangle | Display* di, Drawable dr, GC gc, int x,y,w,h | draw focus rectangle (dotted) |
- | stk_fill_rectangle | Display* di, Drawable dr, GC gc, int x,y,w,h, uint color | fill rectangle |
- | stk_draw_slider_bg_horiz | Display *di, Drawable dr, GC gc, int x,y,w,h,a,b | draw the bacgrouund of slider |
- | stk_draw_slider_bg_vert | Display *di, Drawable dr, GC gc, int x,y,w,h,a,b | draw the bacgrouund of slider |
// from StkButton.Draw() stk_draw_button(stkdisplay,window,gc,stkfont,0,0,width,height,caption,enabled,focused,pressed,active);
Files stk_callback.h and stk_callback.cc contain component's callback functions definitions and templates.
Name | Constructor | Description |
StkBasicCallback | - | abstract class, parent of both callback methods |
StkGlobalCallback | *function | callback for global functions |
StkCallback | *object,&object::method | callback for object's method |
Type | Method Name | Attributes | Description |
- | Execute | - | call the callback |
class SomeHigherClass // some object { public: StkButton *button1; // button1 void button1click(void) // button1 method callback { printf("Method\n"); }; }; void global1click() // button1 global callback { printf("Global\n"); } ... SomeHigherClass *shc = new ...; // create instance shc which "contain" few components and it's callbacks shc->button1->CreateCallback (new StkCallback(&global1click)); // set the global callback shc->button1->CreateCallback (new StkCallback<SomeHigherClass>(shc,&SomeHigherClass::button1click)); // set the method callback
Files stk_components.h and stk_components.cc contain object which handle array of all components in window throw bidirectional linked list and event handler implementation. Each component which may contain other component (e.g. window) has it's own instance of StkComponents class.
Type | Function Name | Attributes | Description |
void | stk_next_event | - | wait for next keyboard/mouse/other event and set the stkevent and other variables |
Type | Identifier | Description |
XEvent | stkevent | current event from the X Server |
Method | Attributes | Description |
Add | StkComponent* | add component into components list |
Remove | StkComponent* | remove component from the list |
SetFocus | StkComponent* | unset focus of focused component and set focus to the specified component |
Update | - | update event handler and call the component events |
StkComponent *Find | Window | find the component by the window which receive the event |
Debug | - | display list of components |
ECNF | Window | debug when Event Component Not Found |
CallShortcut | - | check the shortcuts and call OnShortcut if it match |
This example show popular "Hello world!" demo using STK toolkit.
#include "../../stk.h" // path to STK library int main() { // initialize STK stk_init(); // create the window1 StkWindow *window1 = new StkWindow(stkdisplay_root, -1, -1, 150, 50, "Demo"); // create label1 component StkLabel *label1 = new StkLabel(window1, 10, 10, -1, -1, "Hello world!"); // main loop do { stk_next_event(); window1->components->Update(); } while (! (window1->Closed()) ); // done STK stk_done(); }
StkLabel | StkWindow* parwin, int x,y,w,h, char* cap, StkComponent* focuscontrol |
StkCheckbox | StkWindow* parwin, int x,y, char* cap, bool chckd=false |
StkRadiobutton | StkWindow* parwin, int x,y, char* cap, int grp=0, bool chckd=false |
StkButton | StkWindow* parwin, int x,y,w,h, char* cap |
StkImage | StkWindow* parwin, int x,y,w,h, char** data StkWindow* parwin, int x,y,w,h, char* fname |
StkSlider | StkWindow* parwin, int x,y,len, orient, val, rang, incr |
StkShortcut | StkWindow* parwin, KeySym key, int mods, StkComponent* focuscontrol=null |
StkMenuitem | StkWindow* parwin, left, top, width, height, char* cap, enabled=true |
StkEdit | StkWindow* parwin, left, top, width, height, char* text |
StkPanel | StkWindow *parwin, left, top, width, height |